Two ways to wear a red and black manicure!

Hello loves! I know, I know, I've been a bad mother to my blog. Its a good thing Google doesn't have child services! Anyways, new season dictates I must abandon my pastels and neons, and that's exactly what I did for these two manis. To be completely honest, this was a challenge to me, because as a rule, I avoid mani ideas that have become quite common over the period of time. It doesn't mean I don't love them, it's just that I feel like there's nothing I could add to them apart from following the tutorials to the T. I mean who doesn't love planning manis, right?! But thats not to say that recreating the look is easy peasy. It's NOT. When you are recreating someone else's work, the pressure's high because it's someone else's work and you can't eff that up! 😓😓😓 First one I did was a classic dark gradient transitioning from Red to Black. When done right, this is literally the chic -est look ever. Keyword, 'ri...