Neon and Black Watermarble

As December continues to be a major nail fail month, I whipped out my trusty watermarble to cheer me up. And to reassure my fragile self esteem. (But we don't talk about it.) I usually rely on IG prompts for nail inspo, but this month's challenges are getting bit to Christmass-y for me. So, consciously avoiding those festive colours, I channeled my inner Claire and turned to some bright neons! I wish I had taken a pic of my wm cup, the pattern was so trippy and dizzyingly bright.

For my desi sisters, Juice is one of the cheapest local brand that works well in water. They are very thin and runny, and they spread really well in the water. Plus, they cost only 50 Rupees for a 15ml bottle, so its a win-win!

Even managed a macro!


  1. It has come out so well. nice job

  2. BTW have you tried stay quirky, most of their nail paints are suitable for water marbelling

    1. I have! Although it was sort of a hit and miss for me. Some of the colours spread wonderfully for me, while some didn't :) Thank you for visiting my blog!


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